European Education and Training Programs


  • Mladen Karadjoski State University of "St.Kliment Ohridski" - Bitola, Faculty of administration and management of information systems Bitola, Republic of Macedonia


European Union is an international entity with a multidimensional character. It has many institutions and politics connected with
different aspects of the citizens’ life in the member states of the European Union. Education and training are activities which are also
incorporated in the main policies of the European Union. So, the main goal of this paper will be to examine the current situation in the
field of training and education in the European Union, by making a retrospection of the programs in the past, analyzing the current
programs and predicting the future steps in these areas. This goal will be achieved by using descriptive, comparative and analytical


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How to Cite

European Education and Training Programs. (2012). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2(5), 141.