Learning and Teaching Methodology


  • Fidelia I. Vin-Mbah Department of Office Technology and Management, Ramat Polytechnic,Maiduguri, Borno State,Nigeria


Several scholars have admitted that education is one of the most important factors that help in bringing about social
and economic development in any given society. This is as a result of the fact that it is through the mechanism of education that
the various categories of manpower are developed. The development posed new challenges to the pattern employed by the
teacher and the learner in carrying their functions. There is the need for the person studying them, usually the teacher or learner
to endeavour to understand some of the various methods employed in teaching which shows that without listening, it might be
difficult to achieve any development. This paper, therefore, looks into the curriculum of teaching and learning which means the
success or failure of any educational endeavour depends ultimately upon the method adopted by the teacher. It also explains
some criteria or principles necessary for the selection of instructional method a teacher can use in the teaching-learning process.
It also identified their implications while suggestions and recommendations were proffered.





How to Cite

Learning and Teaching Methodology. (2012). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2(4), 111. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/jesr/article/view/11918