A Binary Logistic Regression Model for Entrepreneurial Motivation Among University Students – A UAE Perspective
Entrepreneurial motivation has been a subject of numerous studies with the general understanding being that measuring a
person’s intent or motivation towards entrepreneurship is the best predictor of it occurring in future. (Carsrud & Brännback, 2011).The
present study is conducted to explain the probability of entrepreneurial motivation among university students based on certain extrinsic
variables that serve as indicators for the same. Logistic regression is a preferred methodology by researchers of social sciences due to
its practical utility, less restrictive assumptions and the use of probabilities for predictions. This study was conducted to develop a
probability index for entrepreneurial motivation (EMI) among students pursuing their bachelors program (in varied disciplines) based on
variables that serve as indicators for the same. The study explores and examines the relationship between the response variable (Score
for entrepreneurial motivation) and the explanatory variables concerning the same. This study results could lead to a better
understanding of how entrepreneurial aptitude can be encouraged and honed among students bearing in mind the effect of the predictor
variables. The study while providing important theoretical insights to the issue will also help policy makers, academicians and universities
in assessing the potential for entrepreneurship in their areas in future.
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