School Education: A Gateway to Success


  • Hamid R. Tavakolian Professor of Management Mihaylo College of Business and Economics California State University, Fullerton
  • Nancy Howell


Historically, students’ graduation rate, particularly at the high school level, has been an area of significant concern
among education professionals. The key to understanding the graduation dilemma is to appreciate the role of high school
education as being the gateway to higher education, advanced training, and greater earnings potential. During our current
tumultuous state, not only is the United States recovering from the worst recession since the Great Depression, it is in the midst
of a vast transformation from one of an industrial economy to that of a service economy coupled with all the distress and
turbulence that accompanies such fundamental changes. In this time of chaotic disarray, a student simply having a high school
education is no longer a matter of a vocational choice; rather, having a high school education has become a critical precursor to
an individual having the propensity to participate in today’s job market and attain gainful middle-class employment. It is important
to discern that according to research, the numbers of students completing their high school education are significantly lower
amongst students with special needs. In this article, the authors will discuss some of the intervention techniques as well as the
adverse consequences of the failure to intercede.








How to Cite

School Education: A Gateway to Success. (2012). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2(2), 137.