Teaching of Statistics in Social Sciences Through E-Learning


  • Jean-Claude Régnier Interactions, Corpus, Apprentissages, Représentations (ICAR) CNRS : UMR5191 – Université Lumière - Lyon II, France Ecole Normale Supérieure Lettres et Sciences Humaines INRP – École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
  • Muhammad Shahid Farooq University of the Punjab, Pakistan
  • Annick Pradeau Université de Rouen, France


This paper focuses on the organization and content of social interactions in a group of University of Lyon 2 students
engaged in an e-learning situation dealing with statistical concepts. The importance of social interactions in the teaching and
learning has been informed by socio-constructivist theories. We examined observable traces of micro-level exchanges between
students engaged in a complex e-learning task, noting technical constraints and spatio-temporal characteristics that influence
course participants engaged in a social organization established to achieve a common goal. To do this we used both quantitative
and qualitative analyses of messages exchanged on a participant discussion forum. Statistics education in an online, distance,
collaborative group situation is a new framework for learning. The mechanism of teaching and learning based on collaborative
work through the observable traces of online social interactions was explored. The main focus of our study was to discover what
occurs when students attempt to learn Statistics without face-to-face meetings with their classmates and their teacher. Our data
show that in this online course, students took keen interest in the topic and enhanced their learning. We believe that this online
mode of teaching statistics, even though lacking in face-to-face interactions, should be implemented on a wider scale since it has
the potential to provide more opportunities for interactions irrespective of geographical boundaries.


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How to Cite

Teaching of Statistics in Social Sciences Through E-Learning. (2012). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2(2), 45. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/jesr/article/view/11807