Role of Historical Resources in Teaching of History at the Albanian Schools After 90s


  • Jani Sota “Aleksander Moisiu” University of Durres


The achievement of aims, objectives and curricular topics of history, requires a broad use of historical resources
(evidences) from pupils of all classes. The ability to discover, examine, ask, compare, conclude from historical resources and
evidences is founded in different ways: finding and analysing the objects, buildings and other recourses, their examination and
the use of the evidence help in developing the analytical abilities of pupils. These abilities are related to observe, discover,
compare point of views, conclude about human acts and decisions. They help the pupil become an aware citizen in a
democratic society and make the teaching of history an activity based on experience where the past “history” is not well defined,
but it has to be discovered by all pupils and teachers.


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How to Cite

Role of Historical Resources in Teaching of History at the Albanian Schools After 90s. (2012). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2(1), 275.