The Correlation Between Reading Strategies and Failure


  • Feryal Cubukcu Dokuz Eylul University


It has been proposed that not only the knowledge and use of learning strategies are essential for
learning and achievement but that various individual characteristics of learners influence their ability to be selfregulated
and to act strategically during learning. Prior achievement, domain-specific knowledge, performance and
regulation of tactics and strategies, and other cognitive and motivational individual differences are factors that
affect learners’ strategic behaviors and their monitoring and control processes (Alexander et al., 1998; Pressley
& Hilden, 2006). The present study aims at investigating the reading strategies of 30 underachievers in the
English language teaching department. Moreover, it is intended to examine the pattern of relations between the
strategic behaviors and subsequent performance in reading English plays. This study examines the the strategic
behaviors “in action” qualitatively as they are easily unfolded during students’engagement in reading tasks,
including self-regulatory processes observed by two independent raters.





How to Cite

The Correlation Between Reading Strategies and Failure. (2011). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 1(1), 13.