The Effect of Using Word Wall Picture Media and Linguistic Intelligence to Enhance Learning Outcomes of English Vocabularies
This study focused on investigating the effect of word wall picture on the fourth grade Elementary School in learning outcomes of English vocabularies. The experimental method used in this study and the participants were 98 fourth grade elementary school of Al-AzharSyifa Budi,Bekasi, Eastern Jakarta, Indonesia academic year 2016-2017, as well as samples with a stratified random technique based factorial design that was selected group of students. The data were analyzed using statistical program SPSS 21.0 for descriptive analysis and inferential analysis with ANOVA two lanes to test the hypothesis followed by Tukey's test. The results showed that: 1) there was a significant difference in learning outcomes of English vocabularies between students who taught by using word wall picture and students taught by using printed media. 2) there was an interaction in learning outcomes of English vocabularies on a test comprised of “linguistic intelligence” between students who taught by using word wall picture and students taught by using printed media .3) there was higher learning outcomes of English vocabularies for higher linguistic intelligence students who taught by using word wall picture than students taught by using printed media. 4) there was lower learning outcomes of English vocabularies for lower linguistic intelligence students who taught by using word wall picture than students taught by using printed media. Based on these findings it can be concluded that the word wall picture is effective to improve learning outcomes of English vocabularies, and to enhance linguistic intelligence.
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