The Effect of Using a Teaching Strategy Based on the KWLH Learning Schedule to Gain the Concepts of Scientific Research Curricula among Princess Rahma University College Students


  • Maha Hamed Alsaaideh Princess Rahma University College, Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan



This study aimed to investigate the effect of using a teaching strategy based on the KWLH learning schedule to gain concepts of scientific research curricula among students of Princess Rahma University College. The study sample participants were intentionally chosen from students of Princess Rahma University College at Al-Balqa Applied University, who are enrolled in the research methodology course and its statistical methods. They were randomly assigned to two groups: an experimental group studied according to the teaching strategy based on the learning schedule KWLH, and a control group that studied according to the usual strategy. A test tool was implemented after verifying its validity and reliability, namely: Testing the concepts of scientific research methods. The study concluded that the teaching strategy based on the KWLH learning table was superior, and its percentage (16.24%) of the variance in the dependent variable was explained. The results showed that there was no statistically significant difference in the acquisition of the concepts of scientific research methods due to gender or the interaction between teaching strategy and gender. There was also a lack of a statistically significant difference in the acquisition of the concepts of scientific research methods due to the university cumulative average, compared to the presence of a statistically significant effect attributed to the interaction between the teaching strategy and the cumulative rate in the acquisition of the concepts of scientific research methods.








How to Cite

The Effect of Using a Teaching Strategy Based on the KWLH Learning Schedule to Gain the Concepts of Scientific Research Curricula among Princess Rahma University College Students. (2020). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 10(2), 52.