Parental Stress in Families of Children with Disabilities: A Literature Review


  • Erjona Dervishaliaj Universiteti i Vlores “Ismail Qemali”, Fakulteti i Shkencave Humane, Vlora, Albania.


A lot has been written about the stressors in the lives of parents of children with disabilities. Several studies indicate that parents of children with disabilities experience higher levels of stress compared to parents of children without disabilities. Studies have focused on understanding the types, causes and the effects of these stresses, discussing further implications for family intervention. Anyway, little research is done in this area in Albania. This paper examines the existing research on stress in families of children with disabilities, highlighting different variables related to stress. Through a literature review and conceptual framework the aim of this article is to help professionals to a better understanding of variables related to stress, and to create some basis and guidelines for further empirical research in Albania. Suggestions for research in the future are discussed.

DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2013.v3n7p579


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How to Cite

Parental Stress in Families of Children with Disabilities: A Literature Review. (2013). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 3(7), 579.