Migration as a Complex Phenomena of Identity and Social Integration: A Sociological View on Albanian Migration Case


  • Matilda Likaj Shaqiri Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Educational & Philology Bedër University, Tirana, Albania


The end of communism regime and the raise of democratization process helped Albanian society to be ‘open border’ toward all countries in the world, especially toward Western ones during 1990’s. This phenoma was quite new for Albanian society. Migration involves a series of events that can be highly traumatizing of identity and problems of inegration. The process involves uprooting, being separated from traditional values, being placed in new social and cultural different situations of hosted countries. So for many migrants, social integration process is not quite easy. Resistance to their participation in society results from language problems and culturally defined behavior that often reinforce stereotypes and prejudices. This situation brought out many challenges in the social identity and integration problems of migrants life in hosted countries.In this paper it is going to be focused on the analyses of Albanian migration during post communist period. Also it will be focused on the recent Albanian migration, emigrants and their integration process in the hosted European societies. Consequently to this, it is going to be focuse on the challenges of their social identity during the integration period. Are the emigrants integrated and harmonizing with the European societies or they are just trying to shape their life according to the social, economical and cultural conditions? Or let say that, are the emigrant assimilating their own identity just to be a social actor in the European societies?

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2013.v2n9p613


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Migration as a Complex Phenomena of Identity and Social Integration: A Sociological View on Albanian Migration Case. (2013). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(9), 613. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/ajis/article/view/896