Smoke in Young University Albanians


  • Lejda Abazi University "Ismail Qemali" Vlora Faculty of Humanistic Science, Department of Education


After an Italian experience of college internship at "Gea" Health Project non-profit organization in the field of Health Psychology, more specifically in the prevention and treatment of Cigarette Smoking and Pathogenic Addiction, finalized with a thesis entitled: "Cigarette smoking among addiction and treatment "the interest of study focuses on smoking in the Albanian context, little explored and known by the public health workers in their promotion intervention-prevention and care. The objective of this study is to build a picture of the smoking problem in Albanian society, the identification of interpretations of the mechanisms of the phenomenon of smoking in young people, bring theoretical insights, study, research, treatment used for years in Italy about smoking now in the Albanian context latest. It appears that the law against smoking in public places was enacted in Albania in 2007, two years after the Law named "Sirchia” in Italy in 2005. A big step for Albania, but what was the consequences of this law? In fact in Albania continues to smoke a little 'everywhere, in restaurants, pubs, bars, even in the corridors of the university or the waiting room in hospitals. This article highlights smoking in young students’ college, the target group most vulnerable to "fight" against addiction, customers-patients who did not traceable by health care workers, those most indifferent and passive in risk perception and smoking related diseases.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2013.v2n8p161





How to Cite

Smoke in Young University Albanians. (2013). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(8), 161.