Linguistic Contexts and Contacts in Infantile Discourse
Nowadays when multilingualism seems to be a very tangible reality in our environment it is of interest to study some linguistic elements, which enable the analysis of the linguistic awareness of the speaker in language set. This analysis should in fact be realized in certain contexts that can easily summarize the study: family contexts, school and society, also by analogy with Fishman hypothesis regarding early bilingualism, whereby three are the areas in which this phenomenon should be studied: family, peers (peer group) and schools. Our paper will bring data regarding the acceleration of the psychological development of tender age , 0-3 years even under the influence of mass media such as radio TV , DVD , that being for hours in the eyes and ears of the juveniles facilitate the introduction of words and terms that until recently were regarded as " property " of adults . We note two indicators of this new linguistic reality of the language acquisition from the child in the new social and linguistic context. First; acceleration of capturing elements of written language in a real visual aspect that appears today, since the age of two years. We take in the account the delivery of some children, not as exception, but as a product of the experiences of today's new orientation in the civic onomastic our country. A more significant example is that of children who differ: QTU, EHV, KMY, etc., still without any idea what these letters represent itself etc. Second; situation almost multilingual of modern Albania, especially in Tirana and major centers and the addition of mixed marriages with foreigners and Albanians. Linguistic context actually is the determinant of coordinates of the contacts that the child sets as a speaker that have embezzled more than a linguistic system. Context sets the type of linguistic contacts. The bilingual child in certain language contexts selects the discourse code, depending on the interlocutor and the situation. Usually the words chosen to implement such communication in bilingual contexts constitute what we might call "emergency language"; the kind of language that fits the context of the speaker to realize the only intention, communicating.Downloads
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How to Cite
Linguistic Contexts and Contacts in Infantile Discourse. (2015). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(1 S1), 97.