Investigator's Psychology and Its Role in Questioning the Defendant and the Witness


  • Aleks Prifti


Throug this work we are tried to present e short expose of the methods and ways of frauds happened after 2000 in Albania. The analyse of these fraud pennal acts in this period has spotted into the focus the way of realization of the authors,being them professionals or simple perpetretors in that activity. What attracks most the attention in the study of this problem is the intesification of this criminal phenomenon in this period of econimical,political and social transition in these last 10 years in Albania and especially the sofistication of the ways,methods and means used by the envolved subjects in this criminal activity.A special space in this work is given tothe sinthesis of the elements of fraud carried out through the falsification of the official documents, aiming to steal the privateand public property. In all the notted cases in the investigative and criminalistic practice compaund elements of “Modus Operandi” of the profesionsit authors in different frauds, have been analized apart for each case and at the same time is done the matching of the elements dealing to the way of the repeated author . Another peculiarity of this work is that this natyre of crime strengthen the conviction that the repeated authors create a solid and dynamic stereotype which is conected to the place,time,way of beahviour,means and methods used for the realisation of the criminal goal etc. The work does not remain only to the theoreticla treatment of this criminal phenomenon but simultaneously it analyses concret cases and mainly those cases being investigated from the Economical Crime Department of Tirana Regional Police Directorate..

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2014.v3n4p233


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How to Cite

Investigator’s Psychology and Its Role in Questioning the Defendant and the Witness. (2014). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(4), 233.