The Effects of Cultural Revolution of 1963 on Human Rights


  • Esmeralda Xheraj University “Aleksander Moisiu” Durres, Albania.
  • Denis Celcima Fejzaj University “Aleksander Moisiu” Durres, Albania.


The cultural revolution of 1963 claimed to bring new prospects in the development in Albanian culture and its educational system, pretending to create the new and novative man of comunism who was in contradiction to his own nature or was the project of human instincts of materialism. This man was as a slave of his freedom and had no right to think, to feel or talk. On 6th February of 1967 Enver Hoxha’s speech was concepted in only two words (To put on fire our archaic customs)..and this is the beginning of the called cultural revolution negating so the basic human rights. This revolution consisted the war against different religions and encouraged the atheism as the main principle of Marxism ideology. Albania was declared as atheist in 1976 and was the first and unique state to do so. The religion was seen as an obstacle to women emancipation and education of Albanian youth. This emancipation was thought to be done according to Marxism ideology. This war was considered even an anti-class one. This atheist regime was complying the biggest crime ever known in history…the extinction of the deepest human feeling of faithfulness turning Albanians into material beings. They were allowed to enter only into a profane world because what was sacred was as an opium to people. The duty of school was to educate the atheism to new generation. During this period the youth was taught in anti-religion spirit and dominant values of life were required on materialism science. The revolution spirit tend to inspire the youth and school was seen as the perfect place in achieving this ambition of regime. The youth strength was used as the source of the fight against religion especially linked with woman emancipation.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2012.v2n4p269


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How to Cite

The Effects of Cultural Revolution of 1963 on Human Rights. (2013). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(4), 269.