Assessment as Seen from the Albanian EFL Teachers’ Perspective


  • Laureta Vavla Aleksander Xhuvani University


This paper is the result of a continuous four-year research in the field of assessment and evaluation. The object of this study were seven teachers in the Elbasan district who teach English in the elementary school level. Through a set of interview questions the teachers have been critically engaged in the analysis of their assessment practices, their success stories and the challenges they encounter in their everyday work. As such, this article aims at giving a correct portray of assessment issues today and the needs analysis the teachers themselves have made regarding this crucial element in teaching foreign languages in general and English in particular. Hence, this study constitutes a modest contribution that should serve as an incentive for the student teachers, current teachers and university lecturers so as to refocus their attention on this area.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2012.v2n4p263


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How to Cite

Assessment as Seen from the Albanian EFL Teachers’ Perspective. (2013). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(4), 263.