Requirements of Organization for Soft Skills as an Influencing Factor of Their Success


  • Mersiha Kalač Kačamakovic Faculty of Management, Business and Economics, University for Business and Technology- UBT, Pristina 10000, Kosova
  • Alma Shehu Lokaj Faculty of Business/University "Haxhi Zeka" Rr. UCK nn, 30000 Peje, Kosova



Soft skills, communication, teamwork, recruitment, success


Soft skills in the today organizations are considered to be one of the most evaluable components for success. Soft skills are traditionally considered complementary to hard skills, which are the ability to perform a particular type of task or activity. Given that businesses have different requirements and criteria for hiring workers, the reason for this research is to see how much organizations in Kosovo and Albania give importance to soft skills and how much they require these skills when hiring workers. We conducted this research with primary data, ie through questionnaires, to collect data questionnaires were distributed to various commercial, service and production organization in several cities of Kosovo and Albania. We based this study on Goleman's theory of emotional intelligence. And then to derive the most accurate statistics and results SPSS software package was used. The results of the analysis show that businesses in Kosovo and Albania mainly apply soft skills and consider them important for their development.


Received: 28 April 2020 / Accepted: 23 December 2020 / Published: 17 January 2021


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How to Cite

Requirements of Organization for Soft Skills as an Influencing Factor of Their Success. (2021). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 10(1), 295.