Reception of “Winter of the Great Loneliness” in the Novel’s Publishing Time


  • Met Dervishi “Aleksandër Moisiu” University, Durrës


This paper analyzes the reception of the novel, “Winter of the Great Ismail Kadare Loneliness”, whose resources lay on the conceptual network elaborated by one of the founders of the aesthetical reception theory, Hans Robert Jauss. Kadare’s writing faced an interpretative reception code. In theory the socialist realism method is defined as hybrid and not only for time and space extension. The method’s principles articulations are specific, depending on a defined place and time. Beyond the theoretical debate regarding the socialist realism method principles, in this paper you will find the book reception from the articulated code of its publishing time, so the code of the 70’s. An analysis of the novel reception in its publishing time, will answer to many arguments rising around Kadare’s work in general, and to “Winter of the Great Loneliness” in particular.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2012.v2n4p71


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How to Cite

Reception of “Winter of the Great Loneliness” in the Novel’s Publishing Time. (2013). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(4), 71.