Consumption of Politic Parties, in the Areas Where the Same Party Has Governed (Strongholds)


  • Erindi Bejko


Political parties in Albania on several occasions during the past two decades have won the election in certain areas over 3 times in a row. While victory and governance of the same area, for sure creates a margin consumption which has affected the dynamics of the bastions at least in the recent national election. Parties are consumed in their strongholds if they decide the same candidates, either as a political force. In the focus of this article, will be the consuming steps of political parties in their stronghold areas, either reflecting the fall results during the election process. Will we have a final rupture in Albania consumption bastions of political parties and how would be the future of dynamic bastion, will be the question of this article scientific research. A fracture would have strongholds in shqipare perfuindimtare the consumption of political parties and how will be the future of dynamics will be bastions of this artikulil question scientific research. Bastion’s consumption occurs mainly from major political forces on the left if either of right on the study will be taken 4 constituencies which voted for the same party in three elections one by one. In our focus will be general elections, not local elections.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2017.v6n1p155


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How to Cite

Consumption of Politic Parties, in the Areas Where the Same Party Has Governed (Strongholds). (2017). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 6(1), 155.