Albania’s European Integration Process and the Impact it Has on the Business Climate between Albania and Italy (Vlora City Case)


  • Zamira Sinaj
  • Rezarta Hasanaj
  • Fatmir Memaj


Economic and political links between Albania and Italy dating back hundreds of years before Christ. Have had ups and downs with significant impact while maintaining a constant continuity with each other. Modern relationships, of about 100 years, had some sort of patronage of Italy affected by the development of Albania low following a series of historical events. Relations between the two countries culminated during the reign of King Zog in Albania, followed by a dark period with the start of World War II and the rule of the Communist regime in Albania. Italy regained his place important economic and trade policy relationships with the arrival in Albania on democracy country, becoming one of the most important strategic partners. This paper is abaut the facilities that the Albanian economy has benefited from the EU integration process.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2016.v5n3s1p558


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How to Cite

Albania’s European Integration Process and the Impact it Has on the Business Climate between Albania and Italy (Vlora City Case). (2017). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 5(3 S1), 558.