The Albanian Family Characteristics (Socio-Geographic) during the Transition Period (in the Southest Region of Albania)


  • Valbona Duri


The evolution of the Albanian family, has had a direct impact not only on the reproductive potential of the population. For this reason its study is necessary. The situation of employment (possibilities or impossibilities for employment), income levels, economical structure and the development, education level, the level of urbanization, gender and age composition of the population the birth rate, family planning, mortality general and specific, emigration, the force of tradition, etc., are the main factors that have determined the socio-geographical characteristic features of Albanian society, during the transition political, economic and demographic period in Albania. -The substitution of the centrally planned socialist economy with the free market. -Economic crisis at the beginning of 1990. -The increase of the unemployment. -The reduction of income. -The family planning policy. -The flow of rural population to the cities. -The abandonment of the villages. -The emigration, -The aging demographic -The change of gender ratio (because of male emigration). -The traditional psychology, -The economic insecurity. These are the main factors that brought evident change in the Albanian family performance and characteristics, marriage, divorce rate and civil structure of the population too, in the south of Albania. This region is distinguished too for a clear profile emigration, because of the positioning of the neighboring country, Greece, and the presence of the Greek minority. The reduction of the total number of the families, marriages too, after 1990 in this area, has been analyzed under the influence of economical changes, which have been an important impact on the creation of new families; meanwhile, the index of divorce rate per 1000 inhabitants is increased, compared to 1989. At the end the Albanian families’ trend will depend on the performance of economic, social and demographic development in Albania.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2016.v5n3s1p487


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The Albanian Family Characteristics (Socio-Geographic) during the Transition Period (in the Southest Region of Albania). (2017). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 5(3 S1), 487.