The Status of Employees and Their Involvement in the Decision-Making Process of a Commercial Company


  • Eneida Sema (Dervishi)
  • Pierind Çukaj


Labor Law is the branch of law which constitutes a significant part of the legal order in a given society. The importance of this legal order is in the fact that labor relations as legal relations directly affect and relates to the progress of economic and social development of the society, as work is a source of income for the subjects of law. The existence of representative bodies of simple employees in the decision-making process, in an organized manner, is an important aspect, but it also entails some problems. Partnership between the company and employees is a legal, social, economic and political connection, which has considerable impact on society. Protecting the rights of employees in a corporation is better achieved if its management structure would include representatives bodies of workers. Involvement of employees in the management and administration of the company is already an international standard. Globalization of the economy and the crucial role that a business has in a country or wider, makes the involvement of employees necessary.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2016.v5n3s1p471


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How to Cite

The Status of Employees and Their Involvement in the Decision-Making Process of a Commercial Company. (2017). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 5(3 S1), 471.