Perception of Verbal Communication of the Teacher in the Classroom by Pupils of Different Genders (Females-Males)
Verbal communication which mainly provided through the word is a form of communication which is realized not only in life but also in the teaching process. This kind of communication during the teaching process should not only serve to simplify reality, for transmission and organization of knowledge, to remind the experience of the past, but should also aim at the creation of a favorable climate in the classroom, as well as encouraging pupils for the higher results cognitive and affective. But equally is perceived, and has a difference in his meaning by the pupils of different genders (females-males), and whether this affects the school performance of these students? These and other aspects of communication are the main object of this research. Through this study aims to explore how are perceived some aspects of verbal communication to the teachers, to the pupils of different genders, and to identify the correlation between the perception of verbal communication of the teacher and school performance of students. To achieve the objectives of the paper were conducted on the ground survey at middle school, asking at the same time students of different genders, ages, classes and different levels, distributed in four cities of Albania.Downloads
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Perception of Verbal Communication of the Teacher in the Classroom by Pupils of Different Genders (Females-Males). (2017). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 5(3 S1), 295.