Comparative Analysis on Privatization (Restitution & Compensation) Process of Property between Albania versus Southeastern, Eastern and Central European Countries as Romania, Poland and the Czech Republic


  • Elona Krashi
  • Ermelinda Shehaj


European Union from decades has been facing a struggle regarding the enlargement process and many question marks have been raised if enlargement would be beneficial for the Union itself and potential candidates that come from Eastern, south eastern and central Europe. Albania is one of the states, part of this process and a set of requirements have been given to Albania to fulfill and be qualified for the next step. Albania itself due to a non-well administration of post –communism from its political parties and leaders is still facing obstacles to integration. Therefore, one of the main obstacles that I will raise as an issue in this paper, part of my PhD research is a comparative analysis on the matter of property between Albania and other countries, specifically Romania, the Czech Republic and Poland. Countries that have been under the same regime, suffered more or less similar consequences of expropriations, but in years have found the ways to solve it and have different economic developments. Albania has good practices to follow with similar precedents on property that can be helpful toward integration road, depending on the will of its leaders and decision makers. Transition is still present in Albania and political climate it is not stable regarding many issues and reforms that have to be undertaken. The road has been difficult due to many factors, but what is important to emphasize is the fact that challenges help to improve, therefore Albania with international assistance and most important with its own will and political determinacy, must be on the right track to European Union.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2016.v5n3s1p188


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Comparative Analysis on Privatization (Restitution & Compensation) Process of Property between Albania versus Southeastern, Eastern and Central European Countries as Romania, Poland and the Czech Republic. (2017). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 5(3 S1), 188.