Measures Provided by the Albanian Legislation for Consumer Protection from Discrimination


  • Belinda Halilaj


Consumer protection in Albania is taking greater importance in this recent years. Despite measures for consumer protection, cases of consumer discrimination in the provision of goods and services on the market are present. In this paper we will discuss consumer protection from discrimination based on the analyzing of measures taken for the consumers protection and the efforts of our countrys’ for establishment a higher level consumer protection. Approval and implementation of policies that are creating a general legal environment and institutional that guarantees consumers protection from discrimination have yielded positive effects. The reasons for which customers are discriminated were differing, the implementation of this measures has been necessary because no consumer can not discriminated. Direct discrimination of consumers based on gender and origin were the most widespread forms of discrimination. This kind of discrimination was a serious problem in the state of law, with the prevention of new cases in the market, we can say that we have a consumer protected. With the approval of law of 2008 we can say that we have a consumer protected because the previous laws had not yielded positive effects. With the approval of this law are create state mechanisms which have strengthened consumer protection and it have prevented cases of consumer discrimination.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2016.v5n3s1p83


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How to Cite

Measures Provided by the Albanian Legislation for Consumer Protection from Discrimination. (2017). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 5(3 S1), 83.