"There is no Real End" Biological Regeneration and the Resurgence of African Traditional Religion in the Contemporary World


  • Elizabeth Onyedinma Ezenweke


It has been reported that a team of researchers did develop a mathematical model that predicts a virtually end to religious affiliation in given countries. The flawlessness of this supposition is highly doubted especially in the context of African Traditional Religion in particular and in human society too. Though the three Abrahamic religions; Judaism, Christianity and Islam use terms as "end of time(s)" and "end of days" to depict a period referred to as eschatology, do they really mean end of religion or religious affiliation? African Traditional Religion predominates cultures in Africa and have its philosophical interpretations of God, man and the universe ever before it came in contact with other cultures. In spite of the influence of Christianity, did the traditional religion of Africa die? Or, has there been a proof of the death of any religion? This paper using Charles Dinsmore theory of regeneration and other secondary sources demonstrate the rebirth of African Traditional Religion in the contemporary world. The paper therefore concludes that as far humanity is concerned, religion cum religious affiliation may at various times, decline, adapt new insights and be rebound hence, there is no real end. The paper further flaws the said prediction.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2016.v5n2p195


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"There is no Real End" Biological Regeneration and the Resurgence of African Traditional Religion in the Contemporary World. (2016). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 5(2), 195. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/ajis/article/view/9284