The First Albanian Textbooks after World War II, and the Construction of the New Albanian Citizen


  • Esmeralda Dani
  • Rina Muka


The construction of the new Albanian citizen after the World War II through the first reading book is examined in this article. It will be used a Bibliographic Research and Literature Reviews of all the textbooks and documents of the interesting topics at the Albanian National Archives and at the Albanian National and Regional Libraries The content of these textbooks surround different topics that aimed to realize these new national perspective: the construction of the great Albania and the new Albanian citizens under the general direction and overall commander Enver Hoxha: (1) the fighter and winner character of the Albanian people, the sense of freedom and of the new great nation; (2) educational character of the textbook stories through the usage of allegory; (3) the construction of gender role through the textbook stories; (4) the ideas of national belonging through the development of a new urban and rural place belonging.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2016.v5n2p101


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How to Cite

The First Albanian Textbooks after World War II, and the Construction of the New Albanian Citizen. (2016). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 5(2), 101.