The Implementation of the Principle of Equality and Non-discrimination in Family Relationships in Albania


  • Erjona Molla


The healthy family and marriage relationships are a contribution for the elimination of gender stereotypes. Everything starts in the family and then is transmitted in the society. The major discrimination against women takes place in their homes, this is much influenced by our patriarchal culture. All provisions of the Family Code that address the conjugal rights and obligations care about not making the difference between the husband and the wife. It is very important that when we talk about gender equality we shall well-use the term "equality". Together, both men and women, need more freedom in order to develop and express their personal features, their individuality, their diversity, their femininity and masculinity respecting others and each other in any environment, including family relationships. This means that gender equality should govern family life, couple’ s relationship, relations with children and all components of parental responsibility, relations in the work environment, in various aspects of social and public activity, even the respect for themselves.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2016.v5n2p31


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How to Cite

The Implementation of the Principle of Equality and Non-discrimination in Family Relationships in Albania. (2016). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 5(2), 31.