William Wied, Prince of the Albanians – When, Why and How?
In a short study, “ Wied, The Albanian Prince, When, How and Why”, are treated moments when the Great Powers took the reins to determine not only the territorial expansion but also the Status of the Albanian State. It was the Ambassador Conference which decided that Albania was constitutional autonomous principality, sovereign and hereditous under the guarantee of the latter. But, the principality wanted her own prince. Precisely those 6 Powers appointed their chosen, that after many debates was chosen Prince Wied. The following paper mainly deals with the chronological method, how Prince Wied was precisely chosen, who was, where did he came from and which stance was held in connection with his image. What were the dilemmas of Wied before he took the throne of Albania and what were his demands as warranty for these throne. In the “ paper” it is comes about a short period but full of sensacional and cluttered events, which sweept almost all the Albanian territory, leaving its trace in history as scars and wrinkles in the face of the human remains. For a period when for the first time in its history, Albanians were recognized by the Great Powers, the status of an autonomes state, the status of which had fought for centuries the most prominent figures of the country. For a “period” Albania became “with of his own, his choice right way and we handled my thesis.Downloads
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William Wied, Prince of the Albanians – When, Why and How?. (2013). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(9), 721. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/ajis/article/view/911