The Regulation of Cyber Crime in Albania in the Framework of Harmonization of Internal Legislation with the European Legislation
The big social dangerousness of cybercrime and the increase of computer misuse, demand that his problem has to be addressed on certain law provisions. So, new interventions in penal codes are needed, interventions that will deal with this activity. In order to prohibit computer crime, many states are trying to find more efficient tools, methods and acts in this direction. Firstly, it is the juridical-penal regulation that has to be done, seeing the problem as a juridical protection fro the unauthorized interventions in computer systems. There has been discussion among low-making structures, with the approval of laws that has to do with the incrimination of the act of illegal intervention, concerning the moment when that intervention starts to be considered as a penal act. So, different states, see it as a penal act from the moment of the very first unauthorized intervention and some others from the moment that the smallest damage is caused. The aim of this paper is to make an overview of the regulation of cyber crime in Albania in the framework of harmonization of internal legislation with the european legislation. In recent years, Albania has worked for the establishment and implementation of international standards in the fight against organized crime, money laundry and corruption. Enough laws function in the national legislation such as: the law for electronic assignment, classified state information, protection of personal data, electronic communication, communication interception, for books, mail service etc.Downloads
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The Regulation of Cyber Crime in Albania in the Framework of Harmonization of Internal Legislation with the European Legislation. (2016). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 5(1), 127.