The Process of Re-integration and the Perspective of the Service Providers


  • Alisa Biçoku


This article aims to demonstrate how important is the process of reintegration in essence. A long and complex process. The focus of this article is to show the highlight efficiency of the policies pursued by providers of social services from our country to improve the living conditions of girls. In the center of this study was located the service providers. The purpose of this study is to analyze the meaning of the reintegration process in general ways and the specific needs of trafficked women who are faced during the process of reintegration in society. The specific objective of this study is: To improve service providers to a successful reintegration of girls, victims of trafficking and to analyze the importance of this process. The methodology used in this study is that qualitative, as an effective method which offers detailed and specific information, also a deep understanding in exploring subjects. Instruments that were used, are focus groups with service providers and existing information that refers to data which has been conducted by relevant institutions, which treat the problems of girls.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2015.v4n3s1p528


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How to Cite

The Process of Re-integration and the Perspective of the Service Providers. (2015). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(3 S1), 528.