The Cooperation of Educational Partners in the Management of the “Cyberbullying" at Nonmetropolitan Albanian Adolescents


  • Marsela Shehu
  • Zenel Orhani


Educational partners, more important are teachers and parents are considered as one of the main elements in the management of Cyberbullying in the school environment and not only for their child's safety. The aim of the study is to evidence the cooperative elements among parents, teachers and students during misuse of the Internet and its functions and violence caused by the technology. The sample of the study includes 200 pupils aged 15-19, 55 Male and 145 Female from High School's Elbasan. Instrument used was “Student Needs Assessment Survey” APPENDIX E by N. E. Willard (2007). The questionnaire was modified and adapted by the authors and contains 20 items. The statistical data processing was performed by SPPS statistical program, version 20. Cronbach’s Alpha 0.751 were used to assess the reliability of the instrument. Relying situated in the role of one who puts pressure on the Internet to others, and the role of the person on whom are pressured by the results obtained we note that students are not included in any of above mentioned role. For the psycho-pedagogical point of view we can say that viewed a positive relationship and not only communication between adolescents and their parents, but also among school staff. Students claim that their peers do not feel pressured by others and also students affirm that they are not aware of any material posted on the Internet that denigrates the image of a school staff member.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2015.v4n3s1p494


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How to Cite

The Cooperation of Educational Partners in the Management of the “Cyberbullying" at Nonmetropolitan Albanian Adolescents. (2015). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(3 S1), 494.