Industries English Language and Communication Need Analysis in Albania


  • Elsa Zela


During the twentieth century, the demand for English language has been steadily increasing, “especially in countries where English is taught as a foreign language” (Hutchinson and Waters, 1987). The global expansion of trade and economy, gave rise to new developments in a world of international relations regarding various aspects of communication, the exchange of information using science and technology, business related communication as well as traveling the world for different personal or/and business reasons. This study focuses on two main issues of English for communication purposes: a) English language and communication need analysis for industries, seen it from the perspective of the employers such as human resources offices and senior managers, the need for English language and communication from the perspective of employees, and b) therefore aims to provide an overview where it can be seen whether the "demand" for English and communication necessary to perform daily functions in a company complies with " supply ", skills and competencies that the employees have obtained during the study of English at a university or other educational institutions. Through questionnaires, it is intended to identify the English language skills required from industry employees to use in working environments as well as the degree of difficulty encountered in performing the required tasks. The respondents in this study include employees and employers of industries at the level of managers and pople working in the sales, marketing, purchasing, advertising department etc.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2015.v4n3s1p363


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How to Cite

Industries English Language and Communication Need Analysis in Albania. (2015). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(3 S1), 363.