Political Discourses Around the Single Union Law and Conceptions about the Organisation of the World of Labour: From Historical to Current Dilemmas


  • Virgílio Amaral


The current research analyses political discourses around the controversy of the Single Union Law, which occurred in the post- April 25th revolutionary context, to understand how the contending parties built different conceptions about the arrangements of labour organisations. By reconstructing the meanings conveyed in the arguments, it is observed that each party invests some words – Unions, Freedom – with different meanings. Additionally, it is observed that each side tends to use certain rhetorical mechanisms as listed by Castro (2002), Amaral (2013) and Amaral & Pereira (2014). The conclusion provides a historical and ideological overview of the different main conceptions and dilemmas yielded in the discourse analysis provided, along with the dilemmas that labour unions are confronted with in the current times, namely considering the issue of job insecurity.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2015.v4n3s1p262


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Political Discourses Around the Single Union Law and Conceptions about the Organisation of the World of Labour: From Historical to Current Dilemmas. (2015). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(3 S1), 262. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/ajis/article/view/8380