Issues of Order in Grammar and Studies of the Albanian Language


  • Aida Kurani


Our research aims to follow the path of order development of clauses, words and sentences through the periods of time in grammar and studies of the Albanian language. Highlighting the achievements regarding our issue and identifying the problems, we aim to pave the way for new studies on the order of Albanian language. Knowing that such achievements are necessary not only because there is an Albanian linguistic tradition in the study of the order, but also to shed light on the opinions related to the order in Albanian, as well as some problems concerning it. To see how such units are dealt with in our linguistics, we considered the known grammars of the Albanian language in a chronological order, starting from the earliest days until today. The focus of consultation for a series of issues closely related to our work has been also the research made by various local or foreign authors.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2015.v4n3s1p157


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How to Cite

Issues of Order in Grammar and Studies of the Albanian Language. (2015). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(3 S1), 157.