Interrupted Dialogue (“Friend”/”Foe” Conflict in New New Media)


  • Bogdan Zeler


New media, Internet and especially media Web. 2.0 are seen as the place of information exchange, creating dialogue, opening to the Other, Different, they are becoming a meeting place (Ryszard Kapuscinski). However, if we examine the space of the blogosphere, Facebook, Twitter, it can be seen as something quite different, the opposite. The network society becomes on the one hand, the community, connecting all users on the network, on the other hand, we can observe alienation from this society, people became more excluded and alone . In the new media we often meet up with closed space for “Ours” and to reject the “Others”. This kind of media became the birth place of "democracy 2. 0 “ and “outraged network" (Manuell Castells). The Democracy 2.0. is being born in front of our eyes and its character is determined by the biggest Internet players, politics and also - the one that stays in “contra” - regular Internet users.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2015.v4n3s1p61


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How to Cite

Interrupted Dialogue (“Friend”/”Foe” Conflict in New New Media). (2015). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(3 S1), 61.