Impact of Albanian Folklore in Literature
Folklore has a really important place in the literature of this country, where we can mention the (Cikli i Kreshnikeve) (The Cycle of the Valiant Heroes), and their opponents, "Kral-s" and "kapedan-s". Along with the epos, Albanians had created also the fund of the ballades, which came like shocking memories of the past ages. One of them is that which is known in the south with the name of ‘Konstandin and Doruntine’, whereas in the north "Kënga e Halil Garrisë" (The song of Halil Garria). There are other authors who have being strongly inspired by the Albanian oral poetry, which is included in the “Cikli i Kreshnikeve” (The Cycle of the Valiant Heroes), while in the “Lahuta e Malëcise” (The Lute of Malecia). Another poet is Palaj Bernardin. Palaj is classic lyrics and elegiac author, who published the majority of his works in thirty years in the Franciscan magazine "Hylli i Drites” (Star of the light). The folklore is and will remain an invaluable asset for the Albanians, and will continue to be an inspiration for artists in the future, as it was in the past.Downloads
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Impact of Albanian Folklore in Literature. (2013). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(1), 253.