International Criminal Law and Extradition of Persons with Penal Responsibility. Albanian Experience


  • Nikolin Hasani Ph.D student at Faculty of Justice University of Tirana, Albania
  • Ulvin Veizaj University of Vlora “Ismail Qemali”, Albania Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Justice


While the borders are open and the world has become more global even for Albanians, there are created some conditions which favorite some citizens who commit crimes in one country and flee to another country to escape facing justice and deserved punishment. To serve such a purpose in 1923 was created the International Criminal Police Organization, known as "Interpol". This institution has branches in all countries that have signed agreements of international criminal cooperation, as well as Interpol Tirana. These are bodies that help in different ways the extradition of wanted persons.The purpose of this paper is to give an overview on extradition procedures and the way it is fixed by international and national laws. The paper will start with the specific rules for the person extraditions in both cases: when the person is required to be transferred from outside and when the person is required to be transferred from inside out. Then a special analyze will be made to cases when extradition is possible as well as cases when extradition may be refused due to legal provisions or procedural violations. To present the Albanian experience in person’s extradition, some specific cases in which the extradition is rejected will be analyzed, giving the reasons of this rejection. At the end, the authors are giving some recommendations on how to have a more efficient extradition process in Albania.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2013.v2n8p747


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How to Cite

International Criminal Law and Extradition of Persons with Penal Responsibility. Albanian Experience. (2013). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(8), 745.