Usage of Census Results for Planning and Evaluating Various Government Policies and Intervention Programs


  • Teuta Xhindi PHD candidate European University of Tirana, Economic Faculty Information, Statistics and Mathematic Department
  • Ogerta Elezaj PHD candidate National Institute of Statistics Director of Information Technology Department


During 2011 Albania conducted the 11th Population and Housing Census. The census results are vital for the country for planning and evaluating various government policies and intervention programs at national and regional levels. The main findings of the census are: • The population has declined around 8.0 per cent, compared to the 2001 census • For the first time, the population living in urban areas has exceeded the population living in rural areas After the availability of census data, the main challenge for policy making is how these data can be used to guide the investment funds in infrastructure and services and to help the local authorities in designing strategies in favor of vulnerable groups.In this paper the focus will be to explain the main findings of the census and the impact that have in the government policies. A questionnaire will be used to collect information from the local authorities about: ? Are census main findings affecting people in their community? ? Do the local authorities meet their needs from census results? ? Does the internal movements play important role in their intervention programs? ? Is the information gathered important to plan a wide range of public services such as • Schools: for children now and in the future in their area • Social housing: for persons who need a social place to live • Transport: to and from work • Healthcare: facilities that everyone can access easily etc.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2013.v2n8p635


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How to Cite

Usage of Census Results for Planning and Evaluating Various Government Policies and Intervention Programs. (2013). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(8), 635.