A Research Project about Communism in Romanian Countryside: Ploughmen’s Front Propaganda (1944-1953)


  • Sorin Radu Associate Professor Ph.D., Faculty of Social and Human Science, “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania


The Ploughmen Front represented the strongest and the oldest “comrade” of the Communist Party from Romania, with a major role in the countryside communization. In general, the studies dedicated to Romania communization focused on institutionalization of the regime, liquidation of democratic order, repression, anticommunist resistance and less on the transformations undergone by the Romanian countryside. The only important issue was the agriculture collectivization. Our project takes into consideration a new approach, which is the research of the way communism became popular in the rural areas, which meant 80% of the Romanian population, how the popularity of the historical parties was dislocated, especially the National Peasant Party, in these areas. The issue is extremely complex and that is why our intercession will focus on a case study: the role of procommunist propaganda organized by the Ploughmen’s Front, the main “comrade” of the communists in communization of the rural area between 1944 and 1953.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2013.v2n8p543


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How to Cite

A Research Project about Communism in Romanian Countryside: Ploughmen’s Front Propaganda (1944-1953). (2013). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(8), 543. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/ajis/article/view/770