Postmodern Reflections in the Work “Ruhm” by Daniel Kehlmann


  • Muge Arslan Research Assistant. Selcuk University, German Literature Department, Konya, Turkey
  • Ulfet Dag Research Assistant.Selcuk University, Comparative Literature Department, Konya, Turkey


Postmodernism, which making a principle ambiguousness and uncertainty instead of rationality and functionality of modernism and skeptical any statement, has brought many innovations to literature.Postmodernism is trying to utter the elements which cannot be displayed when applied to literature, it benefits from intertextuality, so it doesn’t ignore before, makes references and also reminiscent of the Works. However, this understanding eliminates all the existent spaces, times and concepts of personality and revealed new spaces, times and self-described personalities determined by each author. On that score, postmodernism, which nourishes from subjectivity, isn’t clearly identified. This concept defined as postmodernism, which approaches skeptic to be defined, is uncertain, formed as uncertainty and clear to all kinds of variability. So in this study its reflections in literature will be discussed. Consequently, a review will be on what one need to have to examine postmodern literary Works, with examples of this work (Fame).

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2013.v2n8p326


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How to Cite

Postmodern Reflections in the Work “Ruhm” by Daniel Kehlmann. (2013). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(8), 326.