Politic Control of Public Administration from Assembly of Kosovo


  • Mervete Shala


In this paper was treated political control of Pubic Administration as a politic-judicial process of continuous supervision by the Government and Independent Agencies of Assembly of Kosovo. The aim of the paper is the research of political control of administration as a factor with an influence on functioning of sustainable, professional, efficient, functional, responsible, transparency and accountability of administration for better governance in Kosovo. Republic of Kosovo in its Constitution, Chapter 4 has set out the assigning of powers, control and the balance between them, but in practice, it has been shown that this level toward the respect highest of the act hasn’t been reached yet. In the Assembly of Kosovo in two former legislations of its sessions in a few cases the influence (control) of the Government toward the Assembly was evident. Government and political parties in power blocked the regular functioning of the Assembly. Abandoning or nonparticipation in Assembly sessions (boycott) by the Government and the political powers forced the Head of Parliament to interrupt the session due to lack of quorum. Such acts happened upon the request for constituting of ad hoc commissions for control of executive or independent agencies during the interpellations, etc. Relying on the said cases, we came to a conclusion that in several cases the Government had a control upon the Assembly and not vice versa. This was a bad practice of parliamentary and democracy functioning and representing of citizens’ rights. Research questions-What factors had an influence for not instructing fair control Parliament of Kosovo toward the Government Independent Institutions? Hypothesis-Unwillingness of political will to politic control of Government and Independent Institutions. In some of legislations, one weak minor opposition was not strong enough to carry on the role of supervision. Unwillingness for parliamentary investigation and constituting of investigation commissions for the government and independent agencies, thus, all this has led to revealing of many corruptive acts, misuse of official tasks and public scandals regarding the functioning of administration. In current and future legislations the rise of political will of parliamentary authorities to political control is recommended as a mechanism of parliamentary democracy and each state authority has to carry on its constitutional commitment. The methodology of this paper is of mixed nature, such as; descriptive, research, explanation and foreseeing methods.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2015.v4n2s1p138


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Politic Control of Public Administration from Assembly of Kosovo. (2015). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(2 S1), 138. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/ajis/article/view/7242