A Critical Interpretation of Deus ex Machina Solution in The Twentieth Song of De Rada’s Songs of Milosao


  • Vinçens Marku


In this paper we will try to give the way we can definite Deus ex machina in the twentieth song of De Rada’s Songs of Milosao. What does Deus ex machina mean and what can we understand with it. Who have been the famous users of this convention? Controversies that it has faced by criticism and why some researchers didn’t accept that the earthquake (shkundullima), on the work Songs of Milosao of Girolamo De Rada, was a Deus ex machina. This invention of De Rada, in fact, being unique on its type, in which there is a supernatural phenomenon beyond human ability to be managed, such as an earthquake, used, by our poet, to realize resolution of a conflict, almost insurmountable for the time, such as extreme separation of stratum of Rina, a girl of low rural, and Milosaos, the son of the ruler of Shkodra. The couple needs a strong intervention, which is not part of a logical line of cause and effect of the subject. This external factor was created by De Rada by using of the earthquake as Deus ex machina. Here we manage to affirm clearly that the earthquake in twentieth song of the Songs of Milosao is a Deus ex machine.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2015.v4n2p349


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A Critical Interpretation of Deus ex Machina Solution in The Twentieth Song of De Rada’s Songs of Milosao. (2015). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(2), 349. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/ajis/article/view/7177