Integrated Marketing Communications and International Advertising in Kosovo


  • Halit Karaxha
  • Hidajet Karaxha
  • Arjan Abazi


Integrated Marketing Communications are composed of ads, sales promotion, personal sale, direct sale and public relations. The main challenges in Integrated Marketing Communications are the recognition of communication means of mixed marketing, the advantages of International Advertising, the methods of determining promotional budgets, the steps in developing an effective communication of marketing. Integrated Marketing Communications are means with which the firms try to remind the consumers about their products and services. A very important challenge is the measurement of marketing’s results and the analysis about what percent of these costs are reversed or have exceeded beyond the margin of spending. The firms have to invest more in Integrated Marketing Communications, where the importance of investments is seen from two points of view: the growth of profit and their role towards the public. International advertisements have a great impact in introducing the products and services in international markets. The costs of international ads have changed depending on the periods of economic development; the periods of global developments are associated with the increase of advertisements costs, while the periods of global recessions are associated with the decrease of these costs. In this paper it is explained how the importance of marketing’s integrated communications affects the growth of sales and the connection with the public and the role of international ads in promoting new products in international markets. The first part of the paper is composed of reviewing the adequate literature and the second part has to do with the part of the study about Integrated Marketing Communications and international advertisements. Primarily data was realized through questionnaires, through direct contact with marketing managers, general managers, owners and directors of companies that have sufficient knowledge about their companies.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2015.v4n1s2p115


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How to Cite

Integrated Marketing Communications and International Advertising in Kosovo. (2015). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(1 S2), 115.