General Remarks on Locutions


  • Haredin Xhaferi


In this article you will be treated locution in the overview.The author intends to give some consideration to the concept of locution and its differentiation from other units close to. For this purpose it is used the comparison to the concept of locution in other languages and direct observation in Albanian. Locutions are stable unions words that function as a single word, have a single meaning and perform syntactic functions that perform the words. These units are synonyms of words. Their values are nominative, indicators or expressive (not in an emotional sense). Their component elements are connected steadily with each - other. They readily used as a unit. The whole structure gained a new meaning. Its meaning is usually not found in any of the components. The rate of loss sw their lexical meaning is different. Within the term "phrase" included sustainable compound words that are not phraseological and each group of words that is not sustainable phrase. Locution held different positions. According to the concept of different researchers, the volume of locutions has expanded or narrowed. They are close to the words of the Absolute, especially with phraseological units. For the latter are conducted numerous studies and has determined their features. However, it is not yet completely clear their distinction from locutions compound words. Locution is open structure with a single meaning. Quite locutions have to question not only branding structure. Words that build locutions are about concerted or subordinate. Locutions have no emotional meaning, which is characteristic of phraseological units. By submitting the article it appears that locutions are stable groups consisting of words or word scoring service equates the meaning and function of single-word synonyms structures that are used in addition to them, often with a certain semantic nuance. Locutions not unified with the word, not just words, and therefore should be treated as separate units in a particular discipline.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v4n1p333







Research Articles

How to Cite

General Remarks on Locutions. (2015). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(1), 333.