Father and Daughter Relationship and Its Impact on Daughter’s Self-Esteem and Academic Achievement


  • Asbah Zia
  • Anila Amber Malik
  • Saima Masoom Ali


Present study examined the father and daughter relationship and its impact on daughter’s self-esteem and academic achievement. Sample is comprised of total 321 unmarried adolescent girls aged 13 to 21 whose fathers are alive and they are living together. The Quality of Relationship Inventory, Rosenberg self-esteem scale were used to measure quality of father-daughter relationship and self esteem. Academic achievement was assessed through participant’s reporting on demographic sheet. It was a survey design, participants were asked to fill the above mentioned battery of tests including demographic sheet and researcher remained there to answer any query. For the analysis of results, descriptive and inferential statistics were carried out. The correlation between quality of Father-Daughter relationship with self esteem, academic achievement, found significant at 0.01 alpha level.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v4n1p311


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Father and Daughter Relationship and Its Impact on Daughter’s Self-Esteem and Academic Achievement. (2015). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(1), 311. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/ajis/article/view/5984