The Consolidation of Democratic Stability under the Continuity of the Legal System Reform
During the last fifty years, the contribution of the European Council was to achieve this prospectus as the one to promote democracy, the rule of law and protection of Human Rights. In its effort Albania responded really much to the changes occurring both within Albania and Europe too. After major changes in Central and Eastern Europe, the Council of Europe has played a primary role for countries that required adaptation to democratic life and simultaneously respect for Human Rights. But the development and consolidation of democratic stability occupied primary role and certainly had a substantial costs on people. In 1925 the Resident Chamber of International Justice which in its advisory opinion states: " a state that has undertaken so valuable international obligations is bound to make its legislation necessary changes to ensure the execution of accepted commitments " 1So up to where and to what extent the Republic of Albania has respected the following principles of law that except to opinions of instances of international law, on the other hand is one of the basic principles fixed in its Article 5.2 In our paper will present some necessary changes as well as radical for the legal system in order to achieve adequate stability and credibility in Europe!Downloads
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How to Cite
The Consolidation of Democratic Stability under the Continuity of the Legal System Reform. (2015). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(1), 291.