Process of Supervision of Civil Service Operation by the Commissioner for Civil Service Supervision, in Function of an Efficient Service
This article aims to reinforce the idea that the process of supervision of the operation of civil service, by the Commissioner for the Sivil Service Supervision, creates the possibility of an efficient public administration in the function of citizens. The realization of this paper is based on the analytical method and are analyzed the advantages that the establishment and functioning of the institute of the Commissioner for the Civil Service Supervision bring, referring to the analysis of powers and responsibilities that it is empowered by the law "On civil servants". This paper aims to treat the role of the Commissioner for the Civil Service Supervision, in the process of supervision of the civil service, within the competencies that the civil servant law has recognized, analyzing the effectiveness and interventions that it carries out, and the evidence of their advantages. In this way the process of supervision, assists in the correct functionality of the civil service, not only in the inner way of its organization (since the initial stage of recruitment of civil servants in the civil service, up to the assessment of this service, in view of citizens), but mostly at its own responsibility to the citizens.Downloads
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How to Cite
Process of Supervision of Civil Service Operation by the Commissioner for Civil Service Supervision, in Function of an Efficient Service. (2015). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(1), 275.