Science For All Nigerians (SFAN) Amidst Security Challenges: A Reality Or Myth?


  • Hyginus A. Nwona


In recent times the clamour for scientific literacy for all is one of the current crucial issues in education, due to the importance of science in individual and national development. Unfortunately the high rise of insecurity in Nigeria leaves one in doubt about the possibility of achieving science for all Nigerians. This paper reviews the causes of insecurity in the Nigeria and suggests measures that can be put in place to curb this ugly trend. Specifically, political instability, ethno-religious intolerance, poverty, unemployment and corruption are the major causes of insecurity highlighted in this work. It recommends that constant value re-orientation programmes be organized for the youths since they are the most readily available tools of terror; religious leaders should be periodically monitored to ensure that they comply to the rule of law in carrying out their religious activities; skills acquisition should be emphasized in our school curricular to equip youths for self-reliance; security agencies should be restructured to update their knowledge of modern ways of crime management.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2014.v3n7p120


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How to Cite

Science For All Nigerians (SFAN) Amidst Security Challenges: A Reality Or Myth?. (2014). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(7), 120.