The Positioning of the Albanians towards the World Conflict (World War II, WWII)


  • Moisi Kamberi


Albanians started their resistance on 7 April in 1939. Italians were received by guns by the Albanian people. The Albanians of Kosovo and Çamëria were willing and determined to come to the protection of “their motherland”. The evidences demonstrate the great sacrifices that Albanians had made while fighting against the fascists troops; they suffered great material and economic damages. The sacrifices of the Albanian people beyond what were the borders of Albania in 1913 are most evidenced as they fought to crush the Nazi troops in the regions of Montenegro, Sanxhak, Bosnia and Slovenia. Understantig and tolerance have been characteristic features of the Albanias during World War II, as has been the case throughout the history of the Albanien people. Althpungh during the 1939-1944 period the Albanianes were involved in a specific, extremely complicacated, and frequently contradictory situation, they managed to manifest, not only the characteristic mutual tolerance, but also in Naturally the Albanian nation joined the great antifascist coalition, likewise rendering a relatively considerable contribution along with the other nations. In this respect, the Albanians were promtend by the mere reason that such a position should be assumed in view of the pan-national and regional interests involved, the target being the establishment of a post-war free and unified Albania, as well as the establishment of the Balkan characterized by peace, understanding, and collaboration. It is from this angle that Anyone should view the multi-from manifestations of tolerance, existing not only among the common people, but also among the top political opponents, tolerance towards the neighbouring nations, the Italian soldiers captured after the fascist Italy capitulation inclusive. In this context, emphasis should be made of the foct that fratricide and blood feud among the Albanians, during the 1939-1944 period were relatively rare phenomena, since the blood shed by the Albanians during the World War II years contributed to conquering fascism, liberating the world peoples and nations, as well as constructing a democratic world. The controversy over Albanian territories and the Albanian people as a nation is wide and great during the time framework of the World War II. This paper aims at elaborating on the Albanians’ positioning towards the world conflict and on realistically determining their standing and attitude as well as elaborating on the political drives which urged that positioning.

DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2014.v3n6p397







Research Articles

How to Cite

The Positioning of the Albanians towards the World Conflict (World War II, WWII). (2014). Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(6), 397.